Tuesday, January 29, 2013

At last!!!

As some may already know Beni and I have been trying for a baby since last June. We had some success that turn unsuccessful. Recently, we moved from Boynton to Homestead. The move, the new job for me, the new house, decorating, and everything else took our mind off of our focus. We even planned a trip to Vegas! We decided that when it happens it will happen and I was finally content that if it didn't that was ok too!

But ..... As you all know, this blog was started for a reason! To keep everyone informed about Our Journey. Aaand I happy to announce that Beni and I are expecting! We waited a long time this time to confirm everything, but I am 13 weeks along and the baby is healthy!

We have to see a specialist once a month until further notice because I am considered high risk. But other then that everything is perfect and we are so excited we have a chance to welcome a little baby Ruiz to our home this year! 2013 is going to be great! We get to go back at the end of February and we are going to find out the sex, maybe. 

Here is the first belly pic I have taken, today, 01/29/2013.


  1. Awe! Look at the little baby bump!!! I'm over here shedding happy tears for you!!!! Congrats my friend!

    Andrea A.

  2. Wonderful news! Patience, endurance, and positivity make awesome things happen. wishing you a safe and happy journey with lots of love and tiny socks.
    <3 KnottyThoughts

  3. Congrats Tiffany and Beni! That's wonderful!!! Rachel C. :)

  4. I was friends with your mom. The last time i saw you, you were about 2. You are beautiful like your mother...you look a lot like her. Congratulations.....i know your mom is smiling down on you.
